What we offered 2013:
We know: we face global crises at multiple levels. Something very fundamental needs to change, has to be transformed.
How can we be agents of transformation – with all that we are: head, heart, hand and spirit? How can we contribute to transformation in a joyful way.
Our international Learning Partnership on Transformative Change invited to a weekend of inner and outer exploration. In a place that is surrounded by beautiful nature, we met as a group of inspired and inspiring people and took time for reflection and strengthening the sources of our activism.
15. – 17. March 2013
Start: Fr. 15. March 2013, registration 8:30 – 9:45 | start of programm 10:00
End: Sun. 17. March 2013, ~ 16:00
Villa Riehl, Niederösterreich (Website, Pictures)
(Seebenstein, ~60min. south of Vienna)
2,5days food & accommodation: €65,- or €60,-
Participation fee at your own judgement,
(recommended particiation fee between € 70,- to € 220,-)
main language English,
all ages welcome 0,9 to 109 years, 50 places
Where it happened:
disappear between the trees * overlooking the village * find the castle * integrate with the wildlife-covered rolling hills * sit beneath the stars, by the fire. Villa Riehl, just 1 hour by train and a short hike of 10 min from the City of Vienna was the perfect location for our sustainable transformative experience weekend.
Villa Riehl is 1 hour by train, and 10 min walk from the city of vienna.
on the web: http://www.riehl.at/seebenstein/
Who we are:
Organizations and people from the European Grundtvig Learning Partnership “Teachings for Transformative Change” 2011-2013.
for a look at the websites, click on the pic.
Erik van Lennep

http://erikvanlennep.com/coming-of-age-in-the-industrialized-world | http://erikvanlennep.com/destination-home
Benjamin Kafka

Lukas Scherak

www.headless.org | spiraldynamics.org | www.integralinstitute.org
Bea Fórizs
Sziasztok! I’m Bea from Hungary. One of my favourit passion is to dance contact improvisation and spend time with children. I´m learning and self-exploring all the time through the mirror of nature, my love Cristof and our son, Hayam and you
(copyright Cristof). I had been working with speeking handicapped children. Right now, the most actual is to observe the development of Hayam, and finding ways to join to him in this beautiful process, and to dance the trio of my little new family in a peaceful, joyful, playful mood.
I´m fascinated and inspired by the wisdom of the body and its potential to bring détente through movements. We have a great team (body-sensation, emotions of the spirit, power of the attention and awareness of the mind) to be able to orientate ourself in the inner and outer world.
Cristof Jellinek
My name is Cristof. I love to explore and experience voice- and body-movement. I host space and time for starting and continuing processes of inner transformation and experimenting on interaction with others, representing in one space: individual life, society and our chances to co-create within.
Pat Fleming
Hi I am Pat – the oldest in body but possibly the youngest in spirit of this great bunch of change makers. My work and passion is with the evolutionary edge of future emergence and potential, creating safe spaces to encourage authentic engagement within a group process,in the practice of aligning fields of higher intention and attention [presence]. I am leading the practice of a revolutionary new social technology and radical facilitation process of collaborative dialogue which I am calling ‘Make the Connection’.This process can leverage a positive individual / group dynamic, to catalyse real change in how we think together about matters that impact on the whole.
Garry Gleeson
Hi, I am Garry – pioneering sustainable, win-win, personal, small business & community relationships.
By facing myself in the mirror of my relationships… staying with the pain / irritation (when it arises) and seeing if reframing can cast it in a different light, e.g. as a learning opportunity… a chance to do something differently… a chance to seek & take, that 1st Step towards a new evolution… after-all it’s always me that needs to change, so that my holographic experience can become even more energized and alive to all possibilities.
Josef Kreitmayer
I am Josef. I am passionate about flourishing life on our planet, and about being human. In both I try to be learner and teacher of my experience. Since I found out especially about the environmental problems in the world, I am on a journey, searching for what makes me feel alive, and how I can contribute.
What I do is inspired by the notion, that is not about understanding, but emotion, what we do. On my journey, it happened that Get Active was found. Now I am about to found the future library. I met people, that invited me to Dragon Dreaming – project design, got lots of inspiration by practices as Council and Art of Hosting. As I met beautiful people on my way, I got very much inspired by the deep ecology and transition town movement. Who I am, what I do and what I am excited about is what I can offer.
Some of what I do, and what I am excited about on the web:
www.getactive.org | www.zukunftsbibliothek.org | www.tiefenökolgie.at | www.dragondreaming.at
Elinor Askmar
I am Elinor from Gothenburg, Sweden. I am deeply involved and commited to local transition work with community building, urban gardening, systems for gift economy and re-use, sustainable housing issues, grass root democracy and inner transition. The feeling inside that I want to file for a permanent divorce with western consumer society, gets stronger every day and I am passionate about creating spaces where people can experience something else. Something which is a more happy and healthy human culture, where people can come alive and bring their gifts to the world.
Stuff I am involved in, or that inspires me on the web:
www.omstallninggoteborg.se |www.tillsammansodlingen.se | www.transitionsweden.se
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let´s change our world
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