what we do

Get Active offers Events, Trainings and Project-Coaching/Mentoring for the unfolding of active and joyful vital people who shape sustainable activities/initiatives in both urban and rural areas of Austria, Europe and the World.

Get Actives supports youth and adult
-> to discover individual and independent interest in sustainable development of society and economy; and
-> to commit with individual interests to participate in shaping a sustainable and resilient future.


Get Active provides as an NGO a framework for various projects and events for personal, community and sustainable development.


Get Active offers trainings and project-crafting in the fields of self-perception, civil-courage, cooperation, creativity, communication and sustainability.

Project-Coaching/Mentoring and Community-Development

Get Active assists holistic orientated groups and projects

We support to create together, joyfully and successfully.

Why resilience?

Resilience appears to us to be an urgent issue on many levels like ecology, economy and society in local, regional, national, international and global scope. We consider the pivot-point of effective and efficient resilience lies in the personal, inner and emotional world of every individual:
1, having the capacity to face the given situations and challenges
2, practicing appropriate  and healing ways of dealing with the direct inner emotional response
3, moving on to contributing in a proactive way
4, continuing, reflecting and adjusting actions, when obstacles such as practical, relationship/communication or inner struggles occur.

Therefore cultivation of inner resilience and inner transformation skills is one of our core focus-points to facilitate evolution and joyful solutions in uncountable tiny situations of everyday life, but also in work and project-life of us and our partners and clients.

Why are we sustainable?

We see sustainability as something dynamic, therefore our main focus is to awaken this dynamic and live it in joyful encounter of individuals and as society on new ways.

Our motivation

We want to support independent, happy, constructive, critical people and giving them stimulation to think, feel and act.

Furthermore we want to give possibility to realize own sustainable ideas and unfold oneself as committed co-creator for positive development in the big transformation to post-fissile society.

Our Aims and Vision

We want to ‚live our changing‘ – as a new approach to change our life – (as in living the change we want to see) – and help others to find their individual way to do the same.

We develop small and big, short and lasting formats of gatherings / encounter for dreaming, planing, doing and celebrating together, in which people (who are concerned about the world and other people) can unfold personally and together.

Step by step we want nothing less than maintaining and improving the good, true and beautiful that can be found in the world, which serves creativity, happiness and life.


Our bold vision for the future: Worldwide as well as regional and local networks that support people to “live their changing” and a joyful bunch of dedicated projects that positively shape the world.